God has his way

Recently I got to know that my aunt suffered some illness for some time now. No one really told me about it so I didn't thought it was that serious. I didn't know what to think. They just said that she was ill. Then a couple of days later I got told that she had some kind of lump in her stomach, no one knew what it was.

Family told her to go see the doctor, she didn't really wanted to, but in the end she did. The doctor questioned her and said something like "How do you know that your problem is coming from that thing you said you have?" Doctor felt her stomach but decided to send her home and booked her a new appointment two weeks later to come back and check, I suppose she didn't think that it was any serious issue or whatever... I can't understand how that doctor even is working as a doctor. People with no humanity and understanding, please don't work with life saving?! And if you still gonna, don't fricken ignore people and act like you're almighty when they come to you! Obviously they need you, or they wouldn't have come...

However. A couple of days later, her niece (my cousin) came home (living in another town), and put her hand down and said, no we have to get you to the doctor NOW, we won't wait another week. My aunt didn't think that it would help coz she's already been to the doctor. So my cousin started to make phone calls and made them see her again. She was over the phone for over an hour. They got her a appointment the day after. When they finally came through, the new doctor took her in and let her stay in the hospital. Thank God.

One and a half day after she's been put in the hospital, Sunday night, she started to feel real bad in her stomach, she tried to listen to the radio... sleep... distract herself, until she felt like her stomach were going to explode, then she decided to press the button an call the nurse. They decided to do surgery immediately! Apparently a blood vessel had burst and she was bleeding much inside. The surgery took about 2,5 hours and the doctor later said that if they would have been waiting one or two more hours she wouldn't have made it. She lost 4,5 liter blood.

Thanks to her niece and Gods way, she did make it. And I am truly and deeply grateful for that. Crazy how things happen in life. Never take anything for granted. Never. Love and care, always.

I just hope and pray to God that, that doctor she first saw, that she came to her senses and never treats another person like that, ever again. Now take care of each other!


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