Pojken som räddade sjöstjärnorna
På Lou Rosslings föreläsning berättade hon om olika erfarenheter & möten hon hade haft med barn.
Det fanns en pojke i Turkiet som hon berättade om. Varje dag innan skolan sprang han alltid ner till stranden för att slänga tillbaka sjöstjärnorna som hade strandat. Han slängde så många han bara hann och sen iväg till skolan. En man som hade sett honom några gånger gick ner till honom och sa:
- Du pojken, det är ingen idé att du slänger tillbaka dem, här är ett helt berg, det betyder ingenting!
Pojken tog upp en sjöstjärna i handen och svarade:
- För denna betyder det allt.
Och sen kastade han tillbaka den i havet också.
Så omtänksamt! Detta lär mig att vara mer omtänksam, osjälvisk, snäll och hjärtlig.
Det fanns en pojke i Turkiet som hon berättade om. Varje dag innan skolan sprang han alltid ner till stranden för att slänga tillbaka sjöstjärnorna som hade strandat. Han slängde så många han bara hann och sen iväg till skolan. En man som hade sett honom några gånger gick ner till honom och sa:
- Du pojken, det är ingen idé att du slänger tillbaka dem, här är ett helt berg, det betyder ingenting!
Pojken tog upp en sjöstjärna i handen och svarade:
- För denna betyder det allt.
Och sen kastade han tillbaka den i havet också.
Så omtänksamt! Detta lär mig att vara mer omtänksam, osjälvisk, snäll och hjärtlig.

This Saturday (Dec 10th) I spoked to my sister over the phone. I wanted to meet for lunch the next day when I suddently found myself thinking about going to church. Hasn't been in church for many years. Can not even really remember how long ago that was... I hesitated for a second but then I heard myself asking out loud: "Maybe I should come with you to church tomorrow?" Well said and done, I camed with her to church. My grandma and aunts were as I expected very surprised and happy about it. Can't blame them.. My mom and dad should be so thrilled too, but they don't even know coz they're out of town.
I don't know whats "wrong" with me, but I wanna cry all the time haha, not because I'm sad but because I think everything is so sweet and touching so I want to burst into tears all the time, maaan.... even then, under sundayspreach, I wanted to cry...why? Church was okay, I don't remember that much... all I can think of is what I later that day happen.
After church went we for lunch and after that my sis was going to play badminton with her collegue, and my boyfriend with his friend so I went along to watch. When we get to the sportshall there were some kind of Charity event where they sold second hand stuff to raise money for a orphanage. Through the weekend they've had like diffrent free activites and afterwards you could choose if you would like to donate something.
I missed everything, but one speaker; Lou Rossling from Sweden. I didnt even knew who she was before that day. However, she turned out to be this superintelligente woman who knew alot of things about kids. How herself and her meeting kids, the kids thout her stuff instead of the other way around. She's been working as teacher both in school and kindergarden. I am myself a kindergardenteacher, so that was so perfect for me. I am so glad I got the chance to listen to her, afterwards I bought her book "Tänd dina stjärnögon" (every crown went to the charity for the Children in Haiti, those the girls in the Shanti Charity Event helped!). I wanted to cry many times when we listened to Lou Rossling too, but most of all her crowed were laughing, for that I was grateful...
What I'm trying to say is that I am so grateful that I found them, at least the last day of their Charity Event and was able to help out with a little something. Didn't even knew it was gonna be some event like that. I am proud that I chose to stay even though I've already made other plans. I took my time and decided to think of someone else than myself for a change. Love that I got the opportunity and how it was so totally unexpected! ♥
I don't know whats "wrong" with me, but I wanna cry all the time haha, not because I'm sad but because I think everything is so sweet and touching so I want to burst into tears all the time, maaan.... even then, under sundayspreach, I wanted to cry...why? Church was okay, I don't remember that much... all I can think of is what I later that day happen.
After church went we for lunch and after that my sis was going to play badminton with her collegue, and my boyfriend with his friend so I went along to watch. When we get to the sportshall there were some kind of Charity event where they sold second hand stuff to raise money for a orphanage. Through the weekend they've had like diffrent free activites and afterwards you could choose if you would like to donate something.
I missed everything, but one speaker; Lou Rossling from Sweden. I didnt even knew who she was before that day. However, she turned out to be this superintelligente woman who knew alot of things about kids. How herself and her meeting kids, the kids thout her stuff instead of the other way around. She's been working as teacher both in school and kindergarden. I am myself a kindergardenteacher, so that was so perfect for me. I am so glad I got the chance to listen to her, afterwards I bought her book "Tänd dina stjärnögon" (every crown went to the charity for the Children in Haiti, those the girls in the Shanti Charity Event helped!). I wanted to cry many times when we listened to Lou Rossling too, but most of all her crowed were laughing, for that I was grateful...
What I'm trying to say is that I am so grateful that I found them, at least the last day of their Charity Event and was able to help out with a little something. Didn't even knew it was gonna be some event like that. I am proud that I chose to stay even though I've already made other plans. I took my time and decided to think of someone else than myself for a change. Love that I got the opportunity and how it was so totally unexpected! ♥